Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach (A-CRA) — A-CRA is a behavioral intervention that seeks to increase the family, social, and educational/vocational reinforcers of an adolescent to support recovery from substance abuse and dependence.
American Indian Changing Spirits Recovery Program — American Indian Changing Spirits' mission is to provide culturally relevant, community-based outreach and education, with evidence-based recovery programing focused on American Indians who suffer from drug and alcohol addiction/dependency.
American Indian Life Skills (AILS) — American Indian Life Skills (AILS) is a school-based, culturally grounded, life-skills training program that aims to reduce high rates of American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) adolescent suicidal behaviors by reducing suicide risk and improving protective factors. |
American Indian Practice Improvement Collaborative — The American Indian Collaborative of Portland developed a multiagency planning and governing arrangement to design and implement a program to address the mental health and substance abuse treatment needs of the students at the Chemawa Indian Boarding School.
American Indian Strengthening Families Program — The American Indian Strengthening Families Program adapts the Strengthening Families Program (SFP) curriculum, adding culturally specific elements matching the outcomes of each session.
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) — ASIST is a workshop in suicide prevention that teaches participants to recognize when someone may have thoughts of suicide and work with them to create a plan that will support their immediate safety.
Apsaalooke Positive Indian Parenting (APIP) — Apsaalooke Positive Indian Parenting (APIP) adapts the Positive Indian Parenting (PIP) curriculum to Apsaalooke culture and history. |
Bringing Treatment Home — Based on the treatment and recovery circle model, Bringing Home Treatment provides a full continuum of substance abuse services on the Pascua Yaqui Reservation in Tucson, AZ that are culturally appropriate, holistic, multi-disciplinary, and community-based. |
Cama'i Home Visiting Program — Cama'i Tribal Home Visiting Program adapts the Parents as Teachers (PAT) model to increase positive parenting practices and reduce incidences of child neglect and abuse.
CASA Tribal Programs — CASA Tribal Programs raises awareness about how best to advocate for American Indian children in the child welfare system and follow Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) mandates.
Chagha She Binalwod (Strengthening Youth) — The Chagha She Binalwod (Strengthening Youth) project enhances substance abuse treatment on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation by providing intensive in-home substance abuse counseling services and community-based recreational programs for up to 50 at-risk and/or court-ordered Apache youth ages 13-17 and their families each year.
Cherokee PARENTS (Positive and Rewarding Educational Nurturing Tribal Services) — The Cherokee PARENTS program uses a SafeCare Augmented model that adds domestic violence prevention training and Motivational Interviewing to the SafeCare model. The implementation includes cultural activities during the monthly group meetings.
Communities Empowering Native Youth — The Communities Empowering Native Youth (CENY) Project is a regional capacity building initiative administered by the National Indian Justice Center designed to support sustainable programs that respond to the unique needs of Native youth and reflect Native community cultural values can be encouraged locally with the right support.
Community-Based Family Support — Community-based family supports enhance community capacity by expanding resources and establishing cultural norms that foster collective responsibility for positive child development.
Community Maternal Child Home Visiting Program — The Yerington Paiute Tribe adapted the Parents as Teachers (PAT) home visitation model to develop the infrastructure within the Tribe to foster healthy, safe, and self‐sufficient families.
Comprehensive Community Alcoholism Program and Youth Treatment Program — The Yakama Nation Comprehensive Community Alcoholism Program is a drug and alcohol treatment center that seeks to promote the quality of life within the community by providing treatment and related services. |
Coping Cat — Coping Cat is an outpatient cognitive behavioral therapy program that assists children suffering from anxiety disorders.
CSK Tribal Home Visiting Program — The CSK Home Visiting Program uses a culturally-adapted "Parents as Teachers" program to increase parent knowledge of early childhood development, improve parenting practice, provide early detection of developmental delays and health issues, prevent child abuse and neglect, and increase school readiness.
Daughters of Tradition I: A Prevention Education Program for 8-12 year old Native American Girls — Daughters of Tradition I is a prevention education program based on the Strengthening Families Program that provides adults who work with teens and pre-teens the traditional knowledge to prepare daughters to become healthy teens.
Dena A Coy Program — Dena A Coy is a 14-bed facility providing trauma-informed care for women with co-occurring disorders, providing substance-use education, life skills development, family education, medication management, individual substance use treatment, and individual, group, and family therapy. |
Equine Spirit Programs — Equine Spirit Programs connects rehabilitated horses with youth, adults, military veterans, corporate individuals or groups to promote self-discovery, personal growth, professional development, life skills, and culturally based suicide and substance abuse prevention strategies.
Fairbanks Native Association Tribal Home Visiting Project PAT — The Fairbanks Native Association (FNA) adapted the Parents as Teachers (PAT) model to its Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Tribal Home Visiting Projects.
Families and Schools Together (FAST) – American Indian Adaptation — The Families and Schools Together (FAST) program brings multiple families together once a week in dynamic after-school gatherings led by trained FAST Team guides to participate in evidence-based activities that enhance parenting skills and reduce family stress while encouraging family bonding.
Families and Schools Together (FAST) – American Indian Adaptation (WI) — This version of Families and Schools Together (FAST), an evidence-based program that enhances parenting skills, reduces family stress, and encourages family bonding, was specially adapted for an American Indian population and included aspects of both the broader FAST program and culturally specific activities.
Family Spirit — The Family Spirit Program is an evidence-based and culturally tailored home-visiting intervention delivered by Native American paraprofessionals as a core strategy to support young Native parents from pregnancy to 3 years post-partum. |