The Cherokee PARENTS program uses a SafeCare Augmented model that adds domestic violence prevention training and Motivational Interviewing to the SafeCare model. The implementation includes cultural activities during the monthly group meetings.
SafeCare includes one-on-one home visits between providers and families. All SafeCare modules include baseline assessments and observations of parental knowledge and skills, parent training, and follow-up assessments to monitor change. Each module typically involves a baseline assessment session, followed by four training sessions, and concludes with a follow-up assessment. "Providers use a four-step approach to address target behaviors: (1) describe and explain the rationale for each behavior, (2) model each behavior, (3) ask the parent to practice the behavior, and (4) provide positive and constructive feedback. The training is designed to promote generalization of skills across time, behaviors, and settings."
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SafeCare Augmented adds domestic violence training and Motivational Interviewing, a technique that explores and builds on an individual's motivation to change. "The Cherokee PARENTS program implements cultural activities during the monthly group meetings. Topics include traditional parenting, lessons of the storyteller, traditional crafts, harmony in child rearing, traditional behavior management, lessons on Mother Nature, praise in traditional parenting and choices in parenting."
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