Prevention. Intervention. Respect.
Tipis in a field

Initial evaluation of a cultural approach to implementation of evidence-based parenting interventions in American Indian communities.

The current investigation puts forth the authors' conceptualization of a cultural approach to implementing evidence-based practices with American Indian (AI) families. Their approach involves two phases, the motivational phase, which sets an historical context for current difficulties; and the intervention phase, which links evidence-based skills with cultural traditions, beliefs, and values. Herein, they present preliminary evidence for the efficacy of the intervention phase, overlaid onto the Incredible Years parenting program (Webster-Stratton, 1992). Forty-nine families with American Indian children, ages 3–11 (26 boys), participated in the study; all families participated in the motivational phase and were subsequently randomized to the culturally linked intervention or a control condition. Significant pre- and postimprovements in parenting and child behavior were observed in the intervention group. Moreover, a majority of participants reported high levels of satisfaction with the intervention. Results are discussed in relation to approaches to respectful implementation of mainstream, evidence-based interventions in Indian Country. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Dionne, Renda; Davis, Betsy; Sheeber, Lisa; Madrigal, Luke
Journal of Community Psychology
Cultural approach to organizations theory (Communication); Native Americans; Child psychology; Family life education; Child rearing; Parent & child; Interpersonal relations; Family communication; Psychiatry
Tribal Adaptation
  • Child
  • Family