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1. Welcome
2. A Culture of Resilience Within Tribal Child Welfare Programs
3. A Note on Adaptability
4. Objectives
5. Self-Regulation Activity
6. Activity
7. Secondary Traumatic Stress and Vicarious Trauma
8. Secondary Traumatic Stress and Vicarious Trauma (Cont’d)
9. Soul Wounds
10. Soul Wounds (con’t)
11. Activity
12. A Community’s Influence on Workforce Resilience
13. A Community's Influence on Workforce Resilience (cont'd)
14. An Organization’s Influence on Workforce Resilience
15. Challenge the Status Quo
16. Challenge the Status Quo (con’t)
17. Physical and Psychological Safety
18. Physical Safety Considerations
19. Psychological Safety Considerations
20. Building Community
21. Activity
22. Create Structures for Growth
23. Create Structures for Growth (cont’d)
24. Support for Supervisors
25. Mentorship
26. Peer Support
27. Peer Support (con’t)
28. Activity
29. Psychoeducation as Professional Development
30. Psychoeducation as Professional Development (con’t)
31. Psychoeducation as Professional Development (con’t)
32. Activity
33. Building a Culture of Resilience
34. Building a Culture of Resilience Through Policy and Procedure
35. Policies and Procedures That Support Resilience Informed Care
36. Evaluate Effectiveness
37. Individual-Level Strategies
38. Activity
39. The Medicine Wheel
40. Closing
41. Thank You
Module 4: Resilience-Informed Culture Across the Tribal Child Welfare Workforce
Module 4: Resilience-Informed Culture Across the Tribal Child Welfare Workforce