Prevention. Intervention. Respect.
Tipis in a field

Feasibility, Acceptability, and Initial Findings from a Community-Based Cultural Mental Health Intervention for American Indian Youth and Their Families.

Through a CBPR partnership, university and American Indian (AI) tribal members developed and tested Our Life intervention to promote mental health of AI youth and their families by addressing root causes of violence, trauma, and substance abuse. Based on premises that well-being is built on a foundation of traditional cultural beliefs and practices, and that it requires a process of healing and understanding, the 6-month intervention had four components: 1) recognizing/healing historical trauma; 2) reconnecting to traditional culture; 3) parenting/social skill-building; and 4) strengthening family relationships through equine-assisted activities. Feasibility, acceptability, appropriateness, and preliminary outcomes were examined in a mixed-method within-group design. Engagement and retention were challenging, suggesting that families faced numerous barriers to participation. Youth who completed the program experienced significant increases in cultural identity, self-esteem, positive coping strategies, quality of life, and social adjustment. Qualitative data supported these findings and suggested additional positive effects.

Goodkind J; LaNoue M; Lee C; Freeland L; Freund R
Journal Of Community Psychology
Journal Article
  • Resource
  • Setting
Tribal Adaptation
  • Family/Parental
  • Individual/Child
  • Social/Environmental
  • Child
  • Community
  • Family
OTHER (Specify)
Historical Trauma, Traumatic Life Events, Discrimination, Lack of Valued Social Roles and Activities